• Más de 30 años de experiencia avalan nuestros productos

Fameim S.A has recently acquired Shaic International Co exclusive representation for all Latin America and Spain.


Shaic International Co is the leading Company manufacturing the anti- corrosion materials for gas oil & water pipelines. The company specializes in manufacturing and exporting heat three-layer shrinkable sleeve for welded joint of oil, gas pipes and coating tapes for water pipeline. Shaic international Co develop various corrosion protection materials in onshore & offshore. Their worldwide sales network system provides customers with good quality services and information in technical support and corrosion protection industry.


Nuestros productos

  • Fameim S.A. CAMACUA 421 PISO 2 OFICINA 204, OLIVOS, PCIA. DE BS.AS C.P. (B1636FTA) Buenos Aires Argentina

  • Tel +5411 4711.1849 | + 5411 4711.7059

  • email info@fameim.com

Con más de 30 años de experiencia, Fameim S.A. produce materiales para la protección anticorrosiva de tuberías de acero, pilotes de muelles, impermeabilización de techos, y aquellos para la rehabilitación de calles y autopistas.


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